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狭叶坡垒(Hopea chinensis)为常绿乔木,是我国热带季雨林的代表树种之一。它树型优美,具一定的耐寒性,是我国珍稀濒危保护植物。为阐明其传粉生物学特征和迁地保护的繁殖潜力,该文在引种地桂林植物园对狭叶坡垒的开花物候、花尺寸和花气味进行了观察和测量,运用杂交指数(OCI)、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、花粉活力、柱头活性检测和人工自交等方法对其繁育系统进行了检测,观察了访花昆虫并检验了其传粉效率,通过人工异交检验了繁殖潜力和可能的传粉限制。结果表明:(1)桂林植物园内狭叶坡垒的花期为7月底到9月底,持续60 d左右,一个花序花期约12 d,单花期约3 d,花朵开放时间为17:00—18:45。(2)雌雄同熟,雌蕊空间位置高于雄蕊,高花粉活力和高柱头可授性出现时间基本一致。(3)OCI 等于4,P/O为10 788±984。(4)无自动自花授粉能力且自交不亲和,自然条件下和异交授粉能坐果且坐果率无显著差异。(5)蕈蚊是狭叶坡垒唯一的传粉者。(6)主要花香成分为β-榄香烯、(E)-7,11-二甲基-3-亚甲基-1,6,10-十二碳三烯和1-石竹烯。综上所述,狭叶坡垒繁育系统为异交,在迁地保护地需要蕈蚊作为传粉者,能坐果并得到成熟种子,不存在授粉限制。  相似文献   
觅食活动是动物生存和繁殖所必需的基本的活动,受个体生理状态(如饥饿)和环境状况(如捕食、食物可利用性)时空变化的影响,能量状态-风险分配假说指出,动物在应对不同风险时会优化觅食和反捕食努力的时间和能量分配。然而,有关啮齿动物觅食决策的能量状态-捕食风险分配假说的研究结论尚不统一。本研究在野外实验室以艾鼬(Mustela eversmannii)气味作为捕食风险刺激源,以非捕食者(马)气味源作为对照,首先通过Y型观测箱检验雌性饥饿长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)对捕食者气味的辨别能力(Wilcoxon 秩检验);在此基础上通过中立场行为观测箱分别测定饥饿雌鼠在“有食物和天敌气味源”与“有食物和非天敌气味源”环境下的觅食活动,采用Mann-Whitney Z检验比较两者间的行为差异,以验证急性捕食风险限制饥饿沙鼠觅食活动的假设,并探讨动物在饥饿风险与捕食风险共存情况下的觅食行为对策。结果显示,(1)长爪沙鼠对天敌气味反应明显,厌恶和回避有较高潜在捕食风险的空间;(2)虽然觅食潜伏期在捕食风险存在时有所增加,但急性捕食风险并未影响饥饿沙鼠的觅食频次,沙鼠通过缩短每次觅食的持续时间来应对捕食风险;与此同时,(3)饥饿沙鼠在急性捕食风险条件下对环境探究的次数明显增加,一定程度上提高反捕食努力,且自我修饰表现显著,以缓释捕食压力的恐惧效应。这些结果表明,急性捕食风险不能完全抑制饥饿沙鼠的觅食努力,在有捕食风险情况下,饥饿的长爪沙鼠会权衡觅食获取能量和避免捕食的收益和代价,优化觅食策略。本研究结果支持能量状态-风险分配假说关于在短期高风险情况下反捕食努力分配更多,但当动物在饥饿风险持续时间比例显著增加时,动物最终也必须在高风险情况下觅食的预测,也反映了长爪沙鼠对食物资源不可预测及捕食风险高的干旱半干旱荒漠环境的行为适应对策。  相似文献   
In most species of small mammals, males are exposed to higher levels of risk than females because they compete for mates, travel greater distances to find and procure mates, and/or defend a territory. This suggests that males and females might have different responses to risky situations, such as the presence of a predator. We tested responses to a visual predator cue (an owl silhouette) in male and female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). In a laboratory arena, there was no significant sex difference in the latency to enter the burrow or time spent in the burrow immediately after exposure to the owl silhouette. Males, however, were less likely to be active during the 3-min period following the animal’s exposure to the silhouette, indicating that male golden hamsters are more wary after exposure to an aerial predator cue than females. Most studies of responses to predators or predator cues have not considered sex differences, but our results show that males and females may have quite different responses to predator cues. Further work should be done to characterize and quantify sex differences in response to predators or predator cues.  相似文献   
Three factors and their interaction effects are increasingly recognized as important determinants of nest predation: nest concealment, nest height, and predator type. The risk of nest predation is predicted to vary across these variables because of nest detectability and accessibility. In general, however, few studies examine how these three variables interact in relation to nest predation, focusing instead on either nest concealment or nest height (whereby predator identity is usually not known). In this study, we examine the role of nest concealment and nest height for nest survival using both artificial and natural nests in the superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus). We indirectly identified potential predators through marks left on artificial eggs and footprints left on tracking tunnels. Predation level at artificial nests was lower than at natural nests, and this could be due to a failure of some nest predators to locate cryptic nests in the absence of cues provided by parental activity. Our results supported the prediction that exposed and concealed nests have different levels of nest predation, which can be explained by variation in predator type. Visual predators were only detected at exposed nests, and survival from visual predators was lower for high nests that were also exposed. However, olfactory predators were detected irrespective of nest height or nest concealment. Because rodents use olfaction to locate nests, this could explain the lack of association between nest concealment and predation outcome at low nests. In addition, rodent footmarks near nests were significantly associated with rodent tooth marks on eggs.  相似文献   
The presence of pheromone in cotton foliage after removal of pheromone dispensers was assessed by measuring the airborne pheromone concentration with an electroantennogram device. Plots of 0.4 ha in isolated cotton fields were treated with Shin-Etsu PBW-Rope® pheromone dispensers for mating disruption of Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). The dispensers contained ( Z , Z )- and ( Z , E )-7,11-hexadecadienyl acetates (gossyplure) in a 49:51 ratio and were applied at a density of 1 000/ha. The 400 pheromone dispensers were removed 1–12 days later. In four experiments involving canopy heights from 30–150 cm, the decay of the pheromone concentration was recorded repeatedly in short intervals for up to 7 h. Decay to undetectable concentrations generally occurred within 1–10 h, depending on plant size and wind conditions. In all four experiments, pheromone concentration 24 h after removal was found to be near or below detection threshold of the electroantennogram. The presence of pheromone within and above the cotton after dispenser removal would be due to re-entrainment of pheromone that had been adsorbed on cotton foliage or possibly some residual airborne pheromone.  相似文献   
The mirid bug Macrolophus caliginosus is commercially reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, constituting an effective but expensive factitious food. Artificial diets can decrease the rearing costs of this natural enemy, but developing and evaluating an artificial diet is a very time-consuming activity. In the current study, development and reproduction of M. caliginosus on two artificial diets based on egg yolk were investigated. The artificial diets resulted in longer development and lower adult weights, but survival was comparable with that of control insects fed E. kuehniella eggs. Reproductive potential of the predator reared on factitious and artificial foods was assessed using a dissection method. The influence of nymphal food on fecundity was less important than that of adult food. Adults fed E. kuehniella eggs had a preoviposition period of about 4 days, whereas adults offered only plant material started laying eggs about 7 days after emergence. Ovarian scores at day 7 were higher for females fed E. kuehniella eggs than for those given access only to a tobacco leaf. Ovarian scores were not significantly affected by mating status. In a final test, a parallel comparison of two methods for assessing reproductive response to diet was made. Here, adult couples were offered one of four diets: E. kuehniella eggs, one of two artificial diets or no food. Half of the females were dissected and the other half was held for determining lifetime oviposition. Females fed E. kuehniella eggs had superior ovarian scores and laid more eggs than those fed either artificial diet or those given no extra food. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained between ovarian scores and oviposition data, indicating that dissecting females after 1 week provides a reliable estimate of fecundity as affected by diet quality. Rapid reproductive assessments as used in the current study will help to increase the rate of development of artificial diets and may contribute to more cost effective production methods for augmentative biological control agents.  相似文献   
Anaerobic municipal wastewater treatment in developing countries has important potential applications considering their huge lack of sanitation infrastructure and their advantageous climatic conditions. At present, among the obstacles that this technology encounters, odor control and biogas utilization or disposal should be properly addressed. In fact, in most of small and medium size anaerobic municipal treatment plants, biogas is just vented, transferring pollution from water to the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse gas inventory. Anaerobic municipal sewage treatment should not be considered as an energy producer, unless a significant wastewater flow is treated. In these cases, more than half of the methane produced is dissolved and lost in the effluent so yield values will be between 0.08 and 0.18 N m3 CH4/kg COD removed. Diverse technologies for odor control and biogas cleaning are currently available. High pollutant concentrations may be treated with physical-chemical methods, while biological processes are used mainly for odor control to prevent negative impacts on the treatment facilities or nearby areas. In general terms, biogas treatment is accomplished by physico-chemical methods, scrubbing being extensively used for H2S and CO2 removal. However, dilution (venting) has been an extensive disposal method in some small- and medium-size anaerobic plants treating municipal wastewaters. Simple technologies, such as biofilters, should be developed in order to avoid this practice, matching with the simplicity of anaerobic wastewater treatment processes. In any case, design and specification of biogas handling system should consider safety standards. Resource recovery can be added to anaerobic sewage treatment if methane is used as electron donor for denitrification and nitrogen control purposes. This would result in a reduction of operational cost and in an additional advantage for the application of anaerobic sewage treatment. In developing countries, biogas conversion to energy may apply for the clean development mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. This would increase the economic feasibility of the project through the marketing of certified emission reductions (CERs).  相似文献   
Odor communication in Old World monkeys and apes is controversial, because most females have evolved visual and behavioral cues to signal fertility, e.g., sexual swellings. Female stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) do not have swellings, and mediation of chemical communication likely occurs because males engage in sexual behavior mostly throughout the periovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. We tested whether vaginal secretions from different cycle phases, with saline solution as a control, promote changes in the frequency of male genital exploration, copulation, and coercive behavior toward females different from the donors, while female donors were apart from the group. Males explored more female genitals when exposed to follicular, periovulatory, and early luteal secretions in comparison to saline or menstrual or late luteal secretions. The increase in coercive behavior after exposure to follicular and periovulatory secretions most likely was a male response to the lack of cooperation of target females in engaging in copulation, as the latter were not receptive during the tests. The strength of male response to vaginal secretions varied significantly as a result of individual variability between donor females, yet the variability does not correlate either to dominance rank or to female age. Exploratory behavior of males correlates significantly with their social rank. Our results suggest that vaginal secretions are among the cues that male Macaca arctoides use to acknowledge the reproductive status of females in the absence of visual signals.  相似文献   
昆虫嗅觉相关蛋白的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
嗅觉是昆虫产生行为的重要物质基础,阐明昆虫嗅觉机理有助于调控昆虫行为和进行害虫治理。近年来,许多与嗅觉相关的生物活性分子和相关基因的发现和克隆,对揭示嗅觉机理具有重要作用。作者针对近年来研究较多的气味结合蛋白、化学感受蛋白、气味受体、气味降解酶以及感觉神经元膜蛋白等,就其生化特性、表达部位、分子结构、生理功能等进行了综述。  相似文献   
联用SPME与GC-MS技术分析新鲜、萎蔫、干枯枫杨挥发性成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SPME与GC/MS联用技术从新鲜枫杨叶挥发性物质中共检测出化合物52种,主要成分是橙花叔醇(15.54%)、吉马烯A(14.22%)、反式子丁香烯(10.19%)、7,8,9,10-四氢化-S-三氮唑(3,4-A)-呔嗪(8.59%)、十六酸(6.22%);萎蔫枫杨叶挥发性物质中共检测出化合物32种,主要成分是α-红没药烯(17.69%)、橙花叔醇(16.64%)、反式子丁香烯(14.26%)、α-桉叶烯(9.14%);干枯枫杨叶挥发性物质中共检测出化合物31种,主要成分是反式子丁香烯(23.30%)、α-红没药烯(17.75%)、α-桉叶烯(12.69%)、橙花叔醇(8.35%)、杜松烯(7.O%).随着枫杨萎蔫程度的变化,三者含有的化合物组分以及其相对含量都发生变化.本研究是首次报道枫杨的挥发性化学成分分析.  相似文献   
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